Jamie Mckenzie, Zhi Yon Charles, Ellen Simpson, Thasvir Singh, and Archana Pandita
FACE 2022, Vol. 3(4) 517–526

Odontogenic myxoma (OM) is a benign, locally invasive odontogenic tumor, which has been historically treated with en bloc resection to prevent recurrence. In pediatric patients en bloc resection is associated with significant morbidity in relation to growth, function, cosmesis, and the associated risks of radical surgery.
This research aims to present an up-to-date series of OM in pediatric patients (0-3 years), to evaluate treatment approaches and recurrence in this population, and provide treatment recommendations through the presentation of a case report in a 15-month-old child and a systematic review of the literature. MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched in August 2021 in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines.
In total 53 patients were identified with OM. Pediatric OM occurs more frequently in males, in the maxilla, presenting most commonly with swelling, with a mean duration of onset of 9 weeks (6-12 weeks, 95% CI). The rates of recurrence in OM were low (5/53, 9%) with no recurrences in patients treated with enucleation with peripheral ostectomy or adjunctive procedures including cryotherapy or Carnoy’s solution, indicating that they can be used successful as first line treatment, reducing patient morbidity.
Pediatric odontogenic myxoma occurs most frequently in males, within the maxilla and can be treated successfully with conservative surgical management with enucleation, peripheral ostectomy with the application of Carnoy’s solution or Cryotherapy, reducing patient morbidity. Patients should be followed up clinically and radiographically to monitor for recurrence, which primarily occurs within the first 12 months of treatment.